Friday, May 14, 2010

Unexpected beginnings

So many things happened yesterday! It was all very unexpected and exciting.

I have been staring at the logo Josh built for me a few weeks ago. I liked it, but I didn't love it and I was having a very hard time communicating what I wanted. So I sat on it. And stewed. Then I found the proper fonts and contacted Josh again. He had it done, polished and ready to go in 10 minutes. It was better, but still not right. Then he tweaked the positioning and I kid you not, I nearly started to cry when he sent over what is now the finished product. I stared at it for a good half hour.

Somewhere in there, I got my etsy shop up and running with Carrie's professional photos and everything. I thought it looked great. I tweeted it and my lovely friends squeed and pimped and fussed and encouraged. It made my productive and tiring day worth it. I finally felt like I was getting somewhere. I was content and ready to let whatever would be to be.

Then I checked my email after dinner. My first sale was posted. I still can't believe it. Colleen was sweet enough to support me. So, I'll be sending her purchase out today. And that will facilitate label purchase. Thank you, muchly!

So, here's to new adventures. Thank you for coming along for the ride.

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